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Café Barriers and Café Banners From Pennine Café Barriers Header image
Café Barriers and café banners from Pennine café barriers need any help give us a call

5* Post and Base Unit

£98.70 +VAT

Cafe Barrier Premium Post

The 5* premium café barriers range is our flagship model, made to the highest standards weighing in at a hefty 18 kilos per post.

The premium café barriers system provides a superb marketing opportunity as well as a safe physical enclosure around your areas. These barriers are DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) aware and feature wheelchair-friendly bases. Additionally, they include a bottom support beam designed to serve as a tapping rail for the visually impaired.

To help alleviate some wind resistance, we have designed the lower  connector to float. This allows the banner to billow in high winds and create side vents in the cafe banner.


Cafe Barrier Premium Post

The 5* premium cafe barriers range is our flagship model, made to the highest standards weighing in at a hefty 18 kilos per post. To help alleviate some wind resistance, we have designed the lower connector to float. This allows the banner to billow in high winds and create side vents in the café banner.

Finished in a high class chrome with a clean modern design. Crafted to withstand the elements while maintaining their aesthetic appeal. The premium cafe barriers elevate the ambiance of any location where they are installed. Imparting a sense of sophistication and class.

All of our banner types are suitable for this cafe barrier system, and will look stunning with your choice of branded cafe banners. Supplied with this fantastic top of the range system.


  • Loop the graphic over the top and bottom cross arm
  • Three cross arm width options – 2000mm, 1500mm and 1200mm
  • Powder coated cross arms with chrome end
  • Strong, durable cross arms and post
  • Polished chrome finish on visible part
  • 18kg post with stainless steel base cove
  • Wall mounting bracket available

The premium café barrier system provides a superb marketing opportunity. As well as a safe physical enclosure around your areas. It is DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) aware and has been designed with wheel chair friendly bases.

5* Premium Cafe Barrier Chrome System

Price Each

Cafe Barrier Post & Base Unit


Cafe Barrier Cross Beam 1200mm (pair)


Cafe Barrier Cross Beam 1500mm (pair)


Cafe Barrier Cross Beam 2000mm (pair)


Cafe Barrier Wall Fixing Bracket (pair)



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